Thankful Thursday!!!

Happy Thankful Thursday!!!

Good Morning! & Happy Thursday!  It’s almost the weekend, which really (almost) means nothing to me. Most of my homework is due on the weekends. My husband works shift work so, he is not always home on the weekends. My kids are older and they are busy off with their friends and stuff. But, I look forward to weekends all the same. Even if they mean, being more productive on the weekends. ❤


This week, I had a breakthrough that I talked about a little bit, but I needs to be incorporated in things that I am Thankful for! I am Thankful to MYSELF for taking the time for Self-Care! I worked out Monday and realized, my body is just not right! I have known this for a long time. But, when I took a step back and admitted there is a problem that NEEDS to be fixed in order for me to move forward in my life. I live with Back/Hip pain! It’s always there, I don’t even always acknowledge it. In fact, most of the time, I just go on with my day and pretend it’s not there.

I do workouts I shouldn’t be doing until the problem gets fixed. I mean REALLY fixed. After Monday’s not so awesome workouts, I declared this Yoga week and Fix my back week! I’ve happily  & thankfully, made it to yoga every day! I started yesterday, with Physical Therapy, with a friend of a friend, who specializes in Cranial Sacral Therapy and holistic health. I’m pretty sure by the time I am done, that statement will read, physical therapy with MY FRIEND, not just a friend of a friend. Anyways, I knew the second I made the appointment that I was doing the right thing for my body and I have waited too long. Suffered too long. She seems to think a lot of my back problems come from my gut. Which makes sense. And, I have hip problems, because they are out of alignment. I knew about my hips. Ever since I broke my leg a couple years ago and was non-weight bearing for 4 or 5 months. My hips get sometimes up to two inches off! When it get’s really bad, I see a chiropractor, and I get a massage once a month. However, I have not fixed the problem! I go for a couple visits, until I feel better and then stop. But, this time I chose to do the Physical Therapy AND Chiro AND Massage, until I remember what it is like to live without back pain. Also, it will allow me to do the workouts I have been avoiding due to pain. This is a major act of Self-Care for me! I HATE appointments! The exception is massages. But, the results don’t last long for me. I also have scoliosis. Anyways, sorry that got a mile long. The point I am trying to make is, I finally admitted that it’s a REAL problem and I am REALLY gonna fix it this time.


Spread Kindness To One Person a Day! I love this! I think that I do. I can always practice, being more aware of my actions and feelings and work on this! This world really does need more kindness!


Be Kind, for everyone is fighting their battle too! How true is that!!! You can never know what a person is really going through!


What ARE YOU Thankful For today?

I could list a million things! But I will keep my list to 10!

1~* My Friends, online and IRL!

2~* My Family! Online and IRL! By blood & by Soul attachment!

3~* Ohhh… I have a massage in three hours!!!!

5~* Being KIND to myself. That is always not so easy being a Wife and Mother! Because, guilt creeps in! Y’all know what I talking about. All these co-pays for me getting fixed could be Christmas presents for my family! Dang Mom Guilt!

6~* My home. While some people don’t even have a home, I need to be grateful for this.

7~* Yes, coffee and Fuzzy socks always make my list.

8~* The holidays are coming and I don’t feel as stressed out this year!

9~* My daily writing. It is helping me work through a lot of my issues.

10~* Last but not least, just that I feel like I am on the right path! I have came a LONG way in terms of self-growth! My dreams are in sight, I just have to take it one day at a time with steps towards them MOVING FORWARD!

Anyways, please leave comments and tell me what YOU are thankful for!!!

XOXO, Blessings to all!!!!!


1 thought on “Thankful Thursday!!!

  1. Self care is definitely important! Good for you 🙂

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