Happy Halloween — Goodbye October — Hello November

Happy Halloween! & a BIG TGIF!!!

I blinked! And another Month slipped by me! Where I live in Washington State it’s also Goodbye Fall Hello Winter Month in November! So I want to make the most of these last of these FEW Fall days. The weather kin of changes from all out summer to gray, gloomy,crappy and rainy! There are very few “beautiful fall days,” before Winter hits. Winters here aren’t too bad (knock on wood!) But, as a summer girl who deals with S.A.D. more difficult! I am currently looking at Natural Sunlight Lamps in my other window, while I type this. Every year I say, “I need to get one of those!” & Every year goes by and I forget or say I’ll get one later. THE TIME IS NOW! Also, on my fall bucket list is get into the allergist! I know I am in for weekly shots, but the payoff can be huge! I spend so much time wrestling with sinus problems! I can Immunity Boost all day everyday. But, in the end I end up with Sinus Infection after Sinus Infection. I put those two acts of Self-Care at the TOP of my priority list! Also, In between Fall and Winter quarter I need to get to Florida to see my mom and soak in a little Winter Florida Sunshine won’t hurt me a bit! ❤ These are my TOP Priorities!

Now for my fall/winter Intentions and Goals!


Living in the Land of Overwhelm.

I did a big ole’ Brain Dump last night, and continued it in my Morning Pages (at 2 freakin AM,) which I am currently going into week 8 with The Artist Way  ! I have to take a moment to be SUPER “grateful” that I am going through this and also, keeping up with A Course In Miracles.

I have a LOT going on and a long list of things I want and NEED to accomplish during the month of November! However, when I break it down into a time frame and time management every day, there is NO NEED to be stressed out about it! Everything I am doing is inching me a step closer to my dreams and goals. Super exciting stuff going on! Time management and planning is KEY!

My timer is my BEST FRIEND for projects, studying, working out, Fall/Clean Sweep with a Feng Shui twist, ME TIME, writing, etc. etc. I just have to take everything step by step — and day by day and I totally got this.


Today I am working on a rock solid plan to keep up with everything for the whole month. There are things that are just non-negotiable and need to get done.

– November Intentions –

~* I Intend to workout every day — no exceptions/ excuses! Even if it is a active rest day! This is at the top of the list, because this is ME time and and will help with future goals.

~* I Intend to EAT CLEAN — this is for my health and energy levels, this is just as easy as sticking to a plan, meal prep etc.

~* Carve out my study time — Just like it is my job! Eliminate distractions during this time. Time for school studying and time for self-improvement and studying for my certifications.

~* This one may seem crazy — but, it’s something I WANT! I am writing just 50,000 words in November for my Novel. That’s only 1667 words a day. This may seem like a lot of work but for me it’s play/creative time! I joined a group and an taking the challenge and I am not looking at this as one more task To-Do. I have a million stories crowding my head space, time to take the leap and get some of it out!

~* The most dreaded of these tasks is House Stuff! Again, my timer is my BEST Friend! And, sticking to my plan that I will have written out for each day.

Trust me…All this stuff can make my head spin too, if I think too much on it. So…… I am not going to think on all of it after today, I am just going to do it. I’m not working right now I GOT THIS! Breaking out planners, calendars, etc. Success is my only option! I am actually excited for this month and excited to get set in my schedule and work through my Intentions. ❤


Wishing you all your own success in November — On step — One Day at a time~*



12 thoughts on “Happy Halloween — Goodbye October — Hello November

  1. The last few years I’ve thought that I get a little SAD as well. I’ve thought about the light box too. I think I am going to look into it this year

  2. You got me all amped up now to “get stuff done” in November! Great idea setting yourself up for success!!

  3. fitnessmomwinecountry October 31, 2014 — 7:40 pm

    Happy fall Laurie, sounds like you are going to focus and move forward with some great plans and goals 🙂

  4. Your November is going to rock! Stay focused and use that timer 🙂

  5. Michelle @ Running with Attitude November 1, 2014 — 2:53 pm

    You’ve got a lot of great intentions for November! Sounds like it’s going to be a great month!!

  6. I find that getting outside for a walk and run really helps my mood – even if it’s still dark out.

    1. I would have to drive somewhere and run. I don’t have to drive far. There are no street lights in my neighborhood and people don’t take care of their animals so a lot of dogs run wild. Plus, my street is gravel. However, jumping in my car and parking about a mile away at the park would be a great option #

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